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3 Tips on optimising your website's performance

In the world of website optimisation, countless strategies and techniques exist to enhance your online presence.  It can be difficult to know where to start or which tactics to use. So, we asked our Director of Digital & Development, Nathan Brenninkmeyer, to share his top three tips to help you optimise your website's performance. 

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1. Select the Right Tools

Choosing the right tools is crucial for website optimization efforts. Leverage advanced frameworks like Astro.JS and dynamic CMS's like Strapi to tailor to your project's unique needs. These tools ensure an optimised, seamless, and responsive user experience. Astro.JS facilitates swift loading times and dynamic component creation. Its capabilities to deliver server-side rendering and static site generation can significantly optimise your website performance. On the other hand, Strapi, an open-source, Javascript-based CMS, simplifies content management. It helps in customising interfaces and workflows, easing the process of creating, managing, and distributing content.

The right toolset is crucial for optimize your website and delivering an optimised, seamless and responsive user experience. Ensure your choice of tools is not only based on their popularity but more importantly on how well they align with your project's unique needs and objectives.

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2. Embrace Static Generation

Harness the power of static site generation, coupled with dynamic CMS. Static websites are faster, more secure, and offer enhanced performance, thereby providing a stellar user experience. When paired with utilities like Tailwind for optimised CSS and the use of compression and bundling tools, the result is a website that not only loads faster but also ranks better on search engines.

Tailwind, a utility-first CSS framework, provides low-level utility classes that enable you to build custom designs without ever leaving your HTML. This means you can develop unique, responsive designs with minimal effort. Meanwhile, compression and bundling tools can speed up file transfer times, making your website more efficient and user-friendly.

Don't be reluctant to experiment with the variety of optimisation tools available. The key is to utilise them strategically for maximum effect.

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3. Continual Updates

Continual updates play a vital role in optimising your website. In today's ever-evolving digital landscape, static websites are left behind as user needs and search engine algorithms continuously change. Regular updates help to keep the content fresh, free of bugs, improve security and can enhance the overall user experience by introducing new features, better design, or improved navigation.  

So overall, ongoing updates demonstrate your commitment to quality, attract more visitors, and establish your website as a trusted resource.

Remember, a well-optimised website is more than just a destination, it’s a journey!

It involves ongoing efforts to improve user experience, keep up with changing trends, and stay ahead in the competitive digital world. Utilising the right tools, embracing static generation, and performing regular updates can significantly enhance your website's performance.

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