Sustainable Brand Tips

3 Tips for building a sustainable brand

As global consumers increasingly prioritise environmental responsibility and ethical practices, the concept of a truly sustainable brand is gaining traction. In this climate crisis era, sustainable branding is more than a trend; it's a response to consumer demand and a step towards mitigating climate change. Companies are therefore focusing on sustainability as a core value introducing it as a fundamental part of their brand's identity.

In this blog, you will find three tips that will help you create a brand that not only distinguishes itself from others but also represents something significant. Alongside real-life examples from sustainable brands.

Sustainable Branding

What is Sustainable Branding?

Sustainable branding is a comprehensive approach that intertwines a company's sustainability efforts into its brand identity, reflecting its commitment to environmental, social, and economic sustainability.  

Why is sustainable branding important?

Why is sustainable branding important?

Consumer demand: A significant portion of consumers prioritise eco-friendly and sustainable products, with many willing to pay more for sustainable options. This shift in consumer behaviour underscores the necessity for brands to adopt and communicate their sustainability efforts authentically​​.

Business impact: Sustainable branding aligns with the increasing global focus on environmental and social responsibility. Companies that practice sustainability can differentiate themselves in the market, build consumer trust, and ultimately enhance their brand value​​.

Tip 1: Authenticity in sustainability messaging

In the pursuit of building a sustainable brand, authenticity is paramount. It's about ensuring that your brand's sustainability claims are not just part of your marketing strategy, but are deeply ingrained in your business ethos. It's not enough to simply claim sustainability, consumers are well-informed and savvy to superficial claims (also known as greenwashing!) A brand must live and breathe these values. Authenticity in sustainability messaging builds trust and a stronger connection with eco-conscious consumers.

Marks & Spencer's "Plan A" Initiative

Real-Life example: Marks & Spencer

Marks & Spencer (M&S), a major multinational retailer, provides an exemplary model of authentic sustainability messaging. Their “Plan A” initiative, launched in 2007, is a comprehensive approach to sustainability that touches every aspect of their business.

Key elements include:

  • Eco and Ethical Operations: M&S has committed to various sustainability goals, like becoming a zero-waste business, reducing carbon emissions, and ensuring ethical sourcing.
  • Product Sustainability: Many of their products are crafted with eco-friendly materials (such as their sustainable clothing range), and they have initiatives like "Shwopping" which encourages customers to recycle clothing.
  • Transparency and Reporting: M&S provides detailed reports on their progress towards sustainability goals, demonstrating a commitment to transparency. Here is an example.
  • Community Engagement: They engage in community projects and initiatives that promote sustainability, both locally and globally.

Marks & Spencer’s Plan A is not just a side project; it is integral to their business strategy. This level of commitment exemplifies how authenticity in sustainability can be embedded in a brand’s identity, resonating deeply with consumers who prioritise environmental responsibility.

Marks & Spencer’s Sustainability Strategy

Sustainable Practices

Tip 2: Integrating sustainable practices into operations

Sustainability should permeate every aspect of your business operations. This holistic approach ensures that your commitment to the environment is not just surface-level, but woven into the very fabric of your company's practices and processes. To truly embody a sustainable brand, every operational element must be considered through the lens of environmental impact and social responsibility.

This includes:

  • Sustainable and ethical supply chains: Ensure that the raw materials and services your business relies on are sourced responsibly and are sustainable (i.e GOTS certified organic cotton or recycled materials if you are in the fast fashion industry.) This involves choosing suppliers who adhere to environmental and ethical standards. Sustainability practices should be applied throughout your entire supply chain. 
  • Eco-friendly production processes: Adopt manufacturing processes that minimise environmental impact. This could mean reducing energy consumption, minimising waste, and using renewable energy sources.
  • Product life cycle management: Design products with sustainability in mind. This encompasses using materials that are durable, recyclable, or biodegradable, and designing products for easy repair and longevity.
  • Energy and resource efficiency: In your offices and facilities, implement practices that reduce resource use. Examples include using renewable energy sources, energy-efficient lighting and appliances, water-saving fixtures, and recycling programs. 
  • Green logistics: Optimise your logistics to reduce carbon emissions. This might involve consolidating shipments, choosing environmentally friendly packaging, and optimising routes for efficiency.

These are all great efforts towards becoming a green brand with a reduced carbon footprint but alongside operational changes, it's also important to foster a culture of sustainability within your organisation. This means educating and engaging employees in sustainable practices, encouraging sustainable innovation, and making sustainability a key part of your corporate identity.

IKEA Sustainability

Real-Life example: IKEA

IKEA, the Swedish-founded multinational conglomerate, serves as a stellar example of integrating sustainability into operations.

Their comprehensive approach includes:

  • Sustainable sourcing: IKEA aims to source all wood, cotton, and other key materials from sustainable sources. This means using materials that are either recycled or renewable and sourced responsibly.
  • Energy efficiency: IKEA has invested in renewable energy sources, with a goal to become climate positive by 2030. They have installed solar panels on many of their buildings and plan to sell only energy-efficient LED lighting.
  • Circular business model: IKEA is moving towards a circular business model, which includes designing products for reuse, repair, repurposing, and recycling. This model aims to extend the lifecycle of products and reduce waste.
  • Transparency in sustainability goals: IKEA's annual Sustainability Report outlines their goals and progress, providing a clear and transparent roadmap of their sustainability journey.
  • Consumer involvement: IKEA involves consumers in their sustainability efforts, offering solutions like furniture recycling and home solar panel kits, making it easier for customers to make sustainable choices in their everyday lives.

IKEA's approach to sustainability is visionary, showing that large-scale operations can be conducted in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. This commitment not only benefits the planet but also strengthens IKEA's brand identity as a leader in sustainable practices and has significantly bolstered their brand image.

IKEA's Sustainability Strategy.

Community Engagement

Tip 3: Engaging with the community and stakeholders

Building a sustainable brand extends beyond internal operations; it involves engaging with the community and stakeholders. This engagement is crucial for creating a brand that not only practices sustainability but also advocates for it and influences others to follow suit.

Here are a few strategies for effective engagement:

  • Partnerships with environmental groups: Collaborate with non-profits and environmental organisations. These partnerships can provide opportunities for joint initiatives, like community clean-up projects or educational programs.
  • Sustainable community initiatives: Launch or support initiatives that benefit the local community environmentally. This could be through sponsoring local green projects, offering educational workshops on sustainability, or engaging in urban greening efforts.
  • Involving customers: Encourage your customers to participate in sustainable practices. This could be through recycling programs, incentives for eco-friendly purchases, or community events centred around sustainability.
  • Stakeholder dialogue: Maintain an open dialogue with all stakeholders, including suppliers, employees, and investors, about your sustainability goals and practices. This ensures that your sustainability efforts are aligned and collaborative.
  • Employee engagement: Encourage employees to take part in sustainability efforts. This can include volunteer days for environmental causes, implementing green practices in the workplace, or involving them in sustainability decision-making.
Starbucks Sustainability

Real-Life example: Starbucks

Starbucks, a global coffeehouse chain, provides a notable example of engaging with the community and stakeholders in sustainability. Their approach reflects a comprehensive sustainability branding strategy, from ethical production practices to using eco friendly packaging and recyclable materials in their consumer products.

Here are a few things their approach includes:

  • Ethical sourcing: Starbucks commits to responsibly sourcing their coffee through programs like Coffee and Farmer Equity (C.A.F.E.) Practices, ensuring that their product is not only high quality but also sustainably and ethically produced.
  • Community programs: Starbucks has initiated various community engagement programs, such as supporting local youth and environmental stewardship projects.
  • Employee participation: Starbucks encourages its employees, whom they call partners, to engage in community service and environmental initiatives. They offer programs like the Global Month of Service, where employees participate in community service projects.
  • Sustainability goals communication: They openly communicate their long-term sustainability goals, such as reducing carbon emissions, water use, and waste, to all stakeholders, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Starbucks' commitment to community engagement and sustainability strengthens its brand and resonates with consumers. It sets a benchmark for positive change, demonstrating how brands can use their influence to drive environmental stewardship and corporate responsibility.

Starbucks' Sustainability Strategy 


Sustainable branding is not just about eco-friendly products or services but involves embedding sustainability deeply into every aspect of a company's operations and communicating this commitment transparently to consumers. It's a journey that requires commitment, authenticity and a fundamental desire to make a difference.

By following the above 3 tips, you can create a brand that resonates with the values of today's eco-conscious consumers, ensuring long-term success and a positive environmental impact.

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h2o's commitment to sustainability!

At h2o, we understand the importance of sustainable business practices, and our journey to becoming a certified B Corp reflects our dedication to these values

We strive to contribute to a more sustainable, equitable, and socially responsible world. Becoming a B Corp allows us to hold ourselves accountable to these values and take meaningful actions to create a positive impact.

You can read about our journey here: Our Journey to B Corp Certification